Constitution of Anhui Vocational and Technical College

(Approved draft in 2023)

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-12-22Number of views:1222


Anhui Vocational and Technical College was formerly founded in1958年的“安徽纺织工业学校”,曾升格为“安徽纺织工业专科学校”和“安徽纺织工欧洲杯投注官网app”。1999年组建“安徽纺织职业技术欧洲杯投注官网app”,举办高等职业教育,是教育部批准的全国首批高职院校之一。2003Approved by the Anhui Provincial People's Government, the former Anhui Light Industry School, Anhui Material Engineering School and Anhui Industrial Economics School were merged into Anhui Textile Vocational and Technical College, and was renamed "Anhui Vocational and Technical College".。2007The college won the project of "National Model Higher Vocational College Construction Plan".2010Passed the national demonstration higher vocational college construction acceptance and was rated as excellent。2014The College and Hefei University jointly held the "four-year system" applied undergraduate education。2019The college was awarded "National High Quality Vocational College"。2021The university cooperated with Anhui University of Architecture to organize the education of higher education。欧洲杯投注官网app是The first batch of local skilled high-level university construction units in Anhui Province和安徽省首批“三全育人”综合改革试点高校。

欧洲杯投注官网app坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to moral cultivation, moral skills and cultivation,Adhere to the integration of industry and education and cooperation between schools and enterprises,Adhere to the combination of work and learning, knowledge and practice,We will continue to be market-oriented and promote employment,Adhere to practice and strengthen capacity,Education is geared to everyone and tailored to their aptitude。With the goal of becoming a high-level vocational and technical university with distinctive characteristics, the College actively serves the economic and social development of Anhui, accelerates the construction of skills in Anhui, and trains high-quality technical and technical talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, labor and labor, as well as professional spirit, artisan spirit and innovation and entrepreneurship。

Chapter I General provisions

Article oneIn order to promote the college to run its own school according to law,Standardize school-running behavior,To achieve law-based governance and scientific development,Standardize the internal governance and operation mechanism of the College,In accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China and the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Charter of Institutions of Higher Learning and other laws, regulations and rules,Make this Constitution。

Article 2The full name of the college is Anhui Vocational and Technical College。The College website is at。College registered address: Hefei Vocational Education Base, Wenzhong Road, Yaohai District, Hefei City, Anhui Province。

The College shall carry out campus construction according to law and regulations according to its own development needs。

Article 3The College is a non-profit institution and adheres to the public nature of education。The college is a full-time public higher vocational school with independent legal personality。

The College upholds and strengthens the overall leadership of the Party,Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",We will fully implement the Party's basic theory, line, and strategy,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Education should serve the people, serve the governance of the Communist Party of China, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform and opening up and socialist modernization,Adhere to education for the party, education for the country,Train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

Article 5The School has steadily promoted the work of governing the school according to law, built a rules and regulations system with the constitution as the core, comprehensively improved the school's governance capacity, promoted the school's governance to be more scientific, standardized and orderly, and constantly improved the school's level of running a school。欧洲杯投注官网app建立健全法律顾问制度,为欧洲杯投注官网app重大决策提供合法性论证与咨询,依法维护欧洲杯投注官网app合法权益。

Article 6The College implements the information disclosure system such as the disclosure of party affairs and the disclosure of college affairs, releases the information of running the school to the society in a timely manner, actively accepts the supervision of the society, and consciously accepts the guidance and supervision of the competent authorities, registration and management authorities and other administrative departments。

The college adheres to the quality of survival, to the characteristics of the brand, to innovation and development, to service support,Adhere to local, skilled, characteristic, high level of development orientation,Adhere to the school management strategy of running the school according to law, strengthening the school with talents, establishing the school with quality and reviving the school with characteristics,Adhere to the school philosophy of people-oriented, service first, learning by virtue and harmonious development,Adhere to the classroom small business, science and practical integration,The teaching concept of enterprise large classroom and German technology combined cultivation,Adhere to the moral education first, competency-based, all-round development of the thought of education。

Article VIIIThe College takes the initiative to adapt to the needs of national and regional economic and social development, scientific and technological progress and industrial restructuring, and builds a school-running structure of "one body and two wings" to serve "advanced manufacturing industry" and "modern service industry".。According to "adapt to needsPositive developmentOptimized structureRational distributionEmphasize characteristicsUnder the principle of "quality assurance", we constantly optimize and adjust the professional setting of disciplines。

The ninth articleWith moral cultivation as its fundamental task, the College performs such basic functions as personnel training, scientific research, social service, cultural inheritance and innovation, international exchange and cooperation, and focuses on full-time academic education and develops non-academic education。The college encourages students to obtain a variety of vocational qualifications and vocational skill level certificates。欧洲杯投注官网app坚持开放办学,积极推进国际人才培养,积极开展留学生教育,开展多种形式的中(境)外合作与交流。积极开展学历证书和Vocational skill等级证书所体现的学习成果的认定、积累和转换,为技术技能人才持续成长拓宽通道。

Article ten欧洲杯投注官网app坚持和完善以党委领导下的校长负责制为核心的领导体制和治理体系,实行欧洲杯投注官网app、二级教学单位两级管理We will promote scientific, democratic and law-based decision-making and management

Chapter two Sponsors and colleges

Organizer of the first session

Article 11The college was organized by the Anhui Provincial Department of Education。

Article 12The relationship between the College and the organizer shall be determined in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies。欧洲杯投注官网app举办者按经济社会发展的需要,根据欧洲杯投注官网app实际,支持与鼓励欧洲杯投注官网app推进办学体制改革和教学改革,推动欧洲杯投注官网app事业发展。In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the articles of association, the College enjoys autonomy in running the school and performs the obligations prescribed by laws and regulations。

Article 13The organizer of the College shall enjoy the following rights in accordance with the law and regulations:

(1) Appoint or remove the person in charge of the college in accordance with the authority of cadre management and relevant regulations;

(2) To approve the charter of the College, supervise and guide the College to run the school in accordance with laws and the Charter;

(3) To examine and approve major development plans of the College;

(D) In accordance with relevant regulations, review or guide the review of the college teachers at the corresponding level of technical titles;

(5) To supervise the use and management of college funds and assets;

(6) To organize the evaluation of personnel training and assess the quality of education and teaching;

(7) Other rights provided for by laws and regulations。

Article 14The organizer of the college shall fulfill the following obligations according to law and regulations:

(1) abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations;

(2) Ensuring the autonomy of the college in running the school;

(3) to provide funds for running the school and ensure the source of such funds;


(5) Accept matters requiring the approval of the organizer of the college and handle them in a timely manner;

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations。

Section 2 College

Article 15The College enjoys the following rights in accordance with the law and regulations:

(1) Independently establish and adjust disciplines and specialties according to law and regulations, independently formulate personnel training programs, teaching plans, independently select and compile teaching materials, organize and implement teaching activities, and issue graduation certificates and completion certificates according to law;


(3) to independently carry out scientific, technological and cultural exchanges and cooperation with institutions of higher learning and other institutions abroad;


(5) to educate and manage students according to law, and to award, subsidize or punish students;

(6) appoint and dismiss faculty and staff according to law, and award or punish them;

(7) Improve the internal income distribution mechanism, formulate and implement wage and allowance distribution plans;

(8) Collect fees in accordance with relevant state regulations and independently manage and use the assets of the College according to law;

(9) Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations and the Articles of Association。

Article 16The College shall fulfill the following obligations:

(一)遵守宪法、法律、法规和规章制度,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,执行国家教育政策,保障教育教学质量;

(2) To accept the supervision and guidance of the organizer and the competent department in accordance with the law, and to accept social supervision and comments in accordance with the law;

(3) Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of students, faculty and staff;

(4) Disclosure of information in accordance with relevant state regulations;

(5) To create conditions for teachers, students and staff to carry out various activities;

(6) to collect fees in accordance with relevant regulations and disclose the items of fees;

(7) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations and the Articles of Association。

Chapter three: College governance structure

Section 1 College Party Committee

Article 17The college implements the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the "College Party Committee") in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Grass-roots Organizations in ordinary colleges and Universities。We will continue to run schools independently, in accordance with the law, in a scientific manner, in democratic supervision, in public participation, and in openness and cooperation。

Article 18The Party Committee of the College leads the work of the college comprehensively, supports the president to carry out his work proactively, independently and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and ensures the completion of various tasks such as teaching, scientific research and administrative management。College party committee承担管党治党、办学治校主体责任,把方向、管大局、作决策、抓班子、带队伍、保落实。The main responsibilities are:

(1) Publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, publicize and implement the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, higher Party organizations and their own organizations, adhere to the socialist direction of running the school, run the school according to law, and rely on the whole school师生员工推动欧洲杯投注官网app科学发展,Train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor;

2. Upholding the guiding position of Marxism,组织党员认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Study the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions,Learn the basics of the party,Learn professional knowledge, science, history, culture, law and other aspects of knowledge;


(4) Discuss and decide on the establishment of the internal organizational structure of the College and the candidates for the head。按照干部管理权限,负责干部的教育、培训、选拔、考核和监督;加强领导班子建设、干部队伍建设和人才队伍建设;

(5) Strengthen the Party organization construction of the college in accordance with the requirements of the Party to manage the Party and comprehensively and strictly govern the Party;Implement the responsibility system for grassroots party building work, and give play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting fortresses and vanguard role of party members;

(6) to fulfill the main responsibility of the construction of the school's party style and clean government, lead and support the internal discipline inspection organization to perform the responsibility of supervision and enforcement of discipline, and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection organization at the same level and the discipline inspection supervision committee at the higher level and its dispatched discipline inspection and supervision institutions;

(7) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education of the College,Implement the responsibility system for ideological work,Maintain the security and stability of the college,Promote the construction of harmonious campus;The Party Committee on Teachers' Work has been established,Under the leadership of the Academy Party Committee,To study and examine major issues in the construction of ideological politics and ethics of teachers of the college,Guide relevant departments to carry out work;

(8) To lead the college's group organizations, academic organizations and faculty congresses;


Article 19The Party committee of the college shall adhere to the principle of Party management of cadres and implement unified management of the college cadres according to the authority of cadres management。Selection and appointment of cadres,Political criteria must be highlighted,Adhere to both virtue and ability, and put virtue first,Insist on appointing people on merit from all over the country,Adhere to the cause of the first, fair and decent,We must pay attention to performance and be recognized by the people,We will strive to make our cadre more revolutionary, young, knowledgeable and professional,We will build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible。

The selection and appointment of middle management personnel of the College shall be conducted by the College Party committee and its organizational department in accordance with relevant regulations for analysis, research and judgment, motion, democratic recommendation and investigation, fully listening to the opinions of relevant parties, collective discussion and decision by the College Party committee, and handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures。

The Party committee of the college shall adhere to the principle of party management of talents,We will implement the strategy of strengthening China through human resources,We will implement a more active, open and effective talent policy,Improve personnel training, introduction, use, evaluation, flow and incentive mechanisms,We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists,Create a working environment that focuses on education, scientific research and creativity,We will make good use of outstanding personnel within and outside the Party, at home and abroad,Create a good situation in which talented people come out in large numbers and give full play to their talents。加强对人才的政治引领和政治吸纳,健全党组织联系服务专家工作制度,不断提高各类人才的思想政治素质和业务素质。

Article 20College party committee由党员大会或者党员代表大会选举产生,对党员代表大会负责并报告工作。

Article 21The Party committee of the college implements democratic centralism and improves the system combining collective leadership and individual division of labor。All major issues shall be discussed and decided by the Party committee of the college in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralization, individual deliberation and conference decision;The members of the Party committee of the college shall earnestly perform their duties according to the collective decision and division of labor。

Article 22The secretary of the Party Committee of the College performs the duties of the first responsible person, presides over the overall work of the Party Committee of the College, organizes important activities of the Party committee of the College, coordinates the work of the leading team members of the Party committee of the College, urges and inspects the implementation of the resolutions of the Party committee of the College, coordinates the working relationship between the Party committee of the College and the president, and supports the president in carrying out his work。

Article 23The Party Committee of the College shall, in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning of the Communist Party of China, and the Model Text of the Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee Meeting of the Party Committee of Ordinary Institutions of higher Learning and the President's Office Meeting (School Affairs meeting), separately formulate specific rules of procedure and comply with them。

Article 24The Discipline Inspection Commission of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the "College Discipline Inspection Commission") is a specialized organ for the supervision of the College within the Party. It is elected by the Party members' congress or the Party Congress. It works under the dual leadership of the Party committee at the same level and the discipline inspection commission at the higher level, and performs the responsibilities of supervision and discipline enforcement。The main tasks are:

(1) To maintain the Party Constitution and other intra-party regulations, check the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, and assist the College Committee in promoting comprehensive and strict Party governance, strengthening the building of the Party style and organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work;

(2) Regularly educate Party members on the observance of discipline and make decisions on safeguarding Party discipline;


(4) To examine and handle relatively important or complicated cases involving violations of the Party Constitution and other rules and regulations by Party organizations or Party members, and to decide or cancel sanctions against Party members in such cases;To hold people accountable or make recommendations for accountability;

(5) To accept complaints and appeals from Party members and protect their rights from infringement。

Section 2 The Faculty and Staff Congress

Article 25教职工代表大会是全体教职工Under the leadership of the Academy Party Committee行使民主权利,参与欧洲杯投注官网app民主管理和监督的重要形式。The congress of faculty and staff shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(A) listen to the college charter and other basic systems of the formulation and revision of the report,听取欧洲杯投注官网app发展规划、教职工队伍建设、教育教学改革、科技研发、校园建设、后勤保障等重大改革和重大问题解决方案的报告,Listen to the annual work of the college, financial work, trade union work reports and other special work reports,And put forward opinions and suggestions;


(3) Discuss and evaluate the report on the handling of proposals of the last session of the Faculty and Staff Congress, evaluate the leading cadres of the College in accordance with relevant work regulations and arrangements, supervise the implementation of the constitution, rules and regulations and decisions of the College, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification;

  1. To hear and discuss other matters stipulated by laws, regulations and policies and agreed upon between the College and the union。

Article 26The opinions and suggestions of the faculty Congress shall be made in the form of conference resolutions。The organizing principle of the Faculty Congress is democratic centralism。教职工代表大会的选举与表决,由教职工代表大会代表总数半数以上通过方为有效。

Article 27The College respects and supports the faculty and staff Congress in exercising its functions and powers of democratic management, democratic supervision and democratic decision-making, regularly reports to the faculty and staff Congress on its work, listens to opinions, conscientiously handles the proposals of the faculty and staff Congress, and implements relevant resolutions。

Article 28The Faculty Congress respects and supports the Dean and the administrative system in exercising their command functions。The congress of faculty and staff shall hold at least one general meeting every year, and shall be replaced regularly。It may be convened temporarily on the proposal of the college, the college trade union or more than one-third of the representatives of the Teaching Congress。The trade union committee shall perform its duties when the congress of staff representatives is not in session。

Section 3 The Dean

Article 29院长是欧洲杯投注官网app的法定代表人和主要行政负责人,在College party committee的领导下全面负责欧洲杯投注官网app的教学、科研和其他行政管理工作,Its main responsibilities are:

(一)组织拟订和实施欧洲杯投注官网app发展规划、基本管理制度、重要行政规章制度、重大教学科研改革措施、重要办学资源配置方案。To organize the formulation and implementation of specific rules and regulations and annual work plans;

(2) To organize the formulation and implementation of the establishment plan of the internal organizational structure of the college, recommend candidates such as vice presidents and appoint or remove the heads of the internal organizational structure in accordance with the authority of cadres management and relevant regulations;


(4) To be responsible for the construction of disciplines and specialties, to organize teaching activities and scientific research, to innovate personnel training mechanisms, to improve the quality of personnel training, to promote cultural inheritance and innovation, and to serve national and local economic and social development;

(5) To organize the formulation and implementation of the College's talent development plan, important talent policy and major talent project plan。To be responsible for the construction of the teaching staff, the appointment and dismissal of teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations;


(VII) Do a good job of security, stability and logistics support of the college;


(9) Report the implementation of major resolutions to the Party Committee of the College, report work to the faculty and staff congress, organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。Support the work of party organizations at all levels of the College, grass-roots organizations of democratic parties, mass organizations and academic organizations;

(10) Perform other duties conferred by law and provided for in the Articles of Association。

Article 30The Dean's Office meeting is the administrative decision-making body of the school, and the dean presides over the Dean's office meeting, which mainly studies and proposes the important matters to be discussed and decided by the School's Party committee, implements specific measures to implement the school's Party committee resolutions, and researches and deals with teaching, scientific research and administrative management。The Office meeting of the President shall separately formulate specific rules of procedure based on the relevant model texts and the actual situation and implement them。

Article 31The administration of the college implements the working mechanism of unified leadership by the president, division of responsibilities by the vice president, and organization and implementation by functional departments。

Section IV Academic institutions

Article 32The College establishes an academic committee。学术委员会是欧洲杯投注官网app最高学术机构,学术委员会依照其工作规程统筹行使学术事务的决策、审议、评定和咨询等职权。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) To review major academic plans such as plans for the construction of disciplines, specialties and teachers, scientific research, and international academic exchanges and cooperation, and to review the plans for the establishment of academic institutions, the plans for the construction of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative innovation mechanisms, and the plans for the allocation of disciplinary and professional resources;


(3) Recommending high-level personnel positions and candidates for positions in important academic organizations;

(4) Advising on the formulation of major development plans and strategies related to academic affairs, allocation of teaching and research funds in the college budget and final accounts, application of major teaching and research projects, cooperation in running schools at home and abroad and cooperation in major projects;

(五)决定或审议欧洲杯投注官网app授权认为应当提交决定或审议的其他事项,以及其他按规定应当决定或审议的事项。凡属于学术委员会职责范围的事务,在提交College party committee会、院长办公会议讨论前,应当通过学术委员会咨询、审议或评定。

The academic committee shall hold regular meetings at least every semester1Sub-plenary meeting。As required by the work, proposed by the Chairman of the Academic Committee or the dean, or1/3The above members jointly proposed that a plenary meeting of the Academic Committee could be held temporarily to discuss and decide on relevant matters。The academic committee shall implement the principle of minority subordination to majority in decision-making, and major matters shall be attended by members2/3The above consent can be adopted。

Article 33The college sets up a teaching steering committee。The Teaching Steering Committee mainly carries out consultation, deliberation and guidance on the following matters related to teaching work:


(2) professional setting and construction planning, practice base, laboratory, training room construction and construction planning;

(3) Reviewing teaching awards such as teaching achievement awards;

(四)评审教学改革研究、教学团队、特色专业、精品课程、规划教材等重大Teaching construction项目,欧洲杯投注官网app授权咨询和审议的其他教学工作事项。

Article 34According to the major categories, the College has formed a professional construction steering committee, the main responsibilities are:

(一)组织Professional construction、改革、发展的研究,提出人才培养目标、人才培养模式、专业设置调整的建议、意见和发展规划;

(二)制订和修改专业教学计划、编制专业主干课程教学大纲和实践课课程标准、调整课程结构To provide guiding opinions and suggestions;

(3) Regularly carry out professional consultation seminars, study and discuss the opinions and suggestions of the industry and enterprises on the professional setting, personnel training mode, curriculum setting, teaching content, practical teaching, professional teaching reform, etc., and study and put forward improvement measures;



Section V Group Organization

Article 35The trade union is a group organization voluntarily participated by the faculty and staff under the leadership of the college Party committee and the superior trade union organization,It is an important organizational form of college democratic management,It is the bridge and link between the party and the majority of teaching staff,Represents the interests of members and faculty,It is the working body of the faculty Congress,Responsible for the daily work of the faculty and staff congress between sessions。Carry out work in accordance with the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and the Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union, and perform the duties of the trade union。According to the needs of the work, the college establishes the secondary trade union organization, and the college trade union guides the work。

Article 36Anhui Vocational and Technical College Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (referred to as "College Youth League Committee") is a group organization of advanced youth under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and is the assistant and reserve army of the Communist Party of China。在College party committee和上级团委的领导下,依据《欧洲杯投注赔率》开展工作,履行职责。

Section 6 Students' Congress

Article 37 学生代表大会是广大同学依法依规行使民主权利、参与欧洲杯投注官网app治理的机构,每年须召开1次。In accordance with the Regulations on the Work of Students (postgraduates) Congress of ordinary institutions of higher Learning and other relevant provisions。

Chapter four internal operating mechanism

Article 38欧洲杯投注官网app根据实际需要和精简、效能的原则,在规定限额内设置内部组织机构,并可根据发展需要予以调整。

Article 39欧洲杯投注官网app的内部机构由党政管理职能部门、教学机构(二级教学单位)、教辅机构、群团组织等组成。欧洲杯投注官网app职能部门、教学教辅机构等的基本职责是协助院长做好管理服务工作,保障教学、科研和师生生活正常运行。

Article 40 Secondary teaching units shall perform the following duties:

(A) to formulate and organize the implementation of secondary teaching unit development plans;

(二)组织开展二级教学单位人才培养、Professional construction、Teaching staff建设、Enrollment and employment、科学研究、社会服务、国际交流与合作等活动;


(4) to formulate teaching and research institutions for second-level teaching units;

(5) To manage and use the school-running funds and assets allocated and independently raised by the College;

(6) Other duties prescribed by the College。

Article 41The dean (second-level teaching unit) is the administrative person in charge of the second-level teaching unit, and is fully responsible for the personnel training, professional construction, teacher team construction, enrollment and employment, scientific research, social service, international exchange and cooperation, and other administrative work of the unit。

Article 42 The party organization of the second-level teaching unit shall strengthen its political function, fulfill its political responsibility, ensure the completion of various tasks such as teaching and research management, support the administrative leadership and responsible person of the unit to carry out their work, and improve the working mechanism of collective leadership, party and government division of labor and cooperation, and coordinated operation。The main responsibilities are:


(2) Discuss and decide important matters of the unit through joint meetings of the Party and the government。To convene meetings of Party organizations to study and decide on Party building work, such as the appointment of cadres and the construction of Party members;Matters involving the direction of running a school, the construction of the faculty, the vital interests of teachers, students and staff, etc., shall be studied and discussed by the Party organization before being submitted to the joint meeting of the Party and the government for decision;


(4) To lead the ideological and political work of the unit, strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and ethics, and implement the responsibility system for ideological work;To introduce good teachers, curriculum construction, textbook selection, academic activities and other important work of politics;


(6) To lead the group organizations, academic organizations and faculty and staff congresses of the unit;We will do a good job in the united front。

Article 43 The second-level teaching units carry out their work under the leadership of the college Party Committee and implement the joint meeting system of the Party and government。对本单位的教学、科研、人事、财务等方面的重大决策和重要事项安排进行集体讨论,表决决定或协商确定。

Chapter V school-running activities

Article 44欧洲杯投注官网app开展技术技能型人才培养教育,以全日制学历教育为主,根据社会需求开展非全日制学历教育和培训。

Article 45According to the actual needs and the principles of simplification and efficiency, the College sets up teaching and scientific research institutions within the prescribed limits。The teaching and scientific research institutions are functional departments responsible for the teaching operation, teaching management, teaching research, scientific research, and teaching quality supervision and management of the college, and carry out their work under the leadership of the dean and the deputy dean in charge。

Article 46欧洲杯投注官网app不断完善科研经费管理机制,简化科研项目管理流程,扩大和保障科研人员的科研自主权。欧洲杯投注官网app可根据需要设立技术转移专职机构,落实岗位数量、专职人员和专项经费,不断增强创新活力。Establish a sound internal control system and fault tolerance mechanism to ensure the implementation of autonomy。

Article 47Implement the relevant policies of national textbook construction, set up leading institutions for textbook work according to needs, specify special departments, establish and improve the textbook management system of the college, and be responsible for the planning, compilation, review and selection of textbooks。

Article 48According to the teaching needs, talent training objectives, specifications and requirements, the college formulates and optimizes the talent training program, organizes and implements education and teaching activities in different levels, strengthens the construction and management of teaching materials, establishes and improves the education quality assurance system, and strives to improve the quality of talent training。

Article 49The school sets up a teaching supervision organization to supervise the implementation of various teaching systems, carry out various teaching evaluations, track and evaluate teachers' teaching activities and quality, and conduct timely investigations and summaries of teaching conditions and existing problems。

Article 50Guided by innovation and application, the College comprehensively promotes the informatization construction of the college, gradually realizes the digitalization of teaching management, teaching resource management, administrative management, logistics and service management, improves management efficiency and enhances management service level。

Article 51欧洲杯投注官网app设立图书馆,开展各类学术活动,为教学、科研提供各类文献、图书、情报等信息服务,实现服务育人作用。According to the needs of disciplines, professional development, teaching and research, the college sets up professional libraries or reference rooms。

Chapter VI Faculty and Staff

Article 52The faculty and staff of the college are composed of teachers, other professional and technical personnel, administrators and workers。

Article 53欧洲杯投注官网app建立完善人事管理制度,按照“精简效能、公开招聘、择优竞聘”的原则,形成系统设计、分类清晰的人才引进制度和用人机制。

Article 54According to the personnel management system and the post nature of the faculty and staff, the College has improved the performance appraisal and evaluation mechanism, and regularly assessed the political ideology, professional level, work attitude and work achievements of the faculty and staff. The assessment results are used as the basis for renewal, dismissal, promotion, demotion, reward or punishment。

Article 55 Faculty members enjoy the following rights according to law and regulations:

(1) Use the public resources of the College according to the job duties and relevant regulations;

(2) Obtaining wages and remuneration on time, enjoying welfare benefits prescribed by the State and paid leave during winter and summer holidays;

(3) Equitable access to appropriate job opportunities and conditions necessary for one's own development;

(4) to be fairly evaluated in terms of character, ability and performance;

(5) Fair access to all kinds of awards and honorary titles at all levels;

(6) conducting educational and teaching activities, carrying out educational and teaching reforms and experiments;

(七)从事科学研究、Academic exchange,参加专业的学术团体,在学术活动中充分发表意见;

(8) to guide the learning and development of students and to assess their conduct and academic performance;



(11) To participate in advanced studies or other forms of training;

(12) Other rights stipulated by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations of the State。

Article 56 The faculty and staff shall fulfill the following obligations according to law and regulations:

(1) Firmly adhere to the political direction, love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, be loyal to the Party's educational cause, implement the Party's educational policy, adhere to the fundamental task of fostering morality and educating people, practice the core socialist values, and strive to be a good teacher with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolence。


(3) Implement the teaching plan of the college, fulfill the appointment contract of teachers, and complete the tasks of education and teaching;

(4) To educate students on the basic principles defined in the Constitution, patriotism, national unity, rule of law, ideology, morality, culture, science and technology, and to organize and lead students to carry out beneficial social activities;



(7) Constantly improve ideological and political consciousness and the level of education and teaching;

(8) Other obligations stipulated by the Constitution, laws, regulations and rules of the State。

Article 57欧洲杯投注官网app依法建立、健全教职工社会保障体系,建立与欧洲杯投注官网app发展水平相适应的教职工薪酬福利制度。

Article 58The College encourages and supports faculty and staff to participate in the management of the College through labor unions, faculty congress, academic committee, teaching Steering committee and other organizations, and puts forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the College。

Article 59The College shall establish the rights and interests of faculty members in accordance with the lawProtection mechanism to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of faculty。建立信访制度,设立申诉机构,受理、调查、处理教师和其他教育工作者的申诉事项。

Article 60欧洲杯投注官网app关注教职工的发展,为教职工开展人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承创新、国际欧洲杯投注赔率等活动提供必要的条件和保障。

Article 61Adjunct professors, visiting professors, external experts and other educational workers of the College shall enjoy corresponding rights and fulfill corresponding obligations in accordance with laws, policies, regulations of the college and contractual agreements during their teaching, scientific research and management activities, and the College shall provide them with necessary working conditions and assistance。

Article 62欧洲杯投注官网app关心离退休教职工生活,发挥离退休教职工在欧洲杯投注官网app改革、发展、稳定中的重要作用。

Article 63The college has established a assistance system for staff with difficulties。

Chapter VII Students and Trainees

Article 64A student refers to an educatee who has been admitted by the college according to law, obtained the admission qualification and has the school status of the college。

Article 65Students enjoy the following rights in accordance with the law and regulations during their stay at school:

(1) Participate in the activities arranged by the College's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the College;



(4) Obtain the corresponding academic certificate after meeting the prescribed academic standards within the specified period of time;If they fail to meet the graduation requirements, they shall obtain the corresponding certificate of completion or associate study in accordance with the national regulations on student administration;




(8) If there is any objection to the treatment or punishment given by the college, lodge a complaint with the college or the administrative department of education, lodge a complaint or bring a lawsuit according to law against the college or the faculty or staff infringing upon their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights;

(9) Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations and the statutes of the College。

Article 66Students shall perform the following obligations in accordance with the law and regulations during their stay at school:

(1) abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations;

(2) Abide by the statutes of the College;

(3) Practicing morality, studying diligently, abiding by academic ethics, and completing required studies;


(5) abide by the code of conduct of students, respect teachers, and develop good ideological and moral character and behavior habits;

(vi) Other obligations stipulated by the rules of the College or agreed in the contract。

Article 67The College actively improves the operating conditions and provides services and necessary resources for the all-round and healthy growth of students。

Article 68The college provides students with entrepreneurship, career guidance and services。

Article 69Students refer to those who have gone through the relevant procedures in the college in accordance with regulations but have no school status to receive non-academic education。Education at the academy,Meet the corresponding academic requirements,Those who have passed the examination of the school,Obtain the corresponding academic certificate;Receive vocational training,Passed the examination of vocational training institutions or colleges,Obtain the corresponding training certificate;Those that have passed the examination by a specialized agency conforming to the provisions of the State,Obtain the corresponding vocational qualification certificate or vocational skill level certificate。学业证书、培训证书、职业资格证书和Vocational skill等级证书,按照国家有关规定,作为受教育者从业的凭证。The vocational skill level certificate, training certificate and other learning results obtained by vocational training can be converted into corresponding academic education credits after being recognized by the college;Those who meet the academic requirements of the college can obtain corresponding academic certificates。

Article 70The college implements the student status management system,Safeguarding students' learning rights;The college implements a commendation and incentive system,对取得突出成绩和为欧洲杯投注官网app争得荣誉的学生集体或个人给予表彰或奖励;欧洲杯投注官网app对违反法律法规或欧洲杯投注官网app管理制度的学生,Conduct criticism education or give corresponding treatment and punishment according to law and regulations。

Article 71The college establishes and improves student rights and interestsProtection and reliefSystem, establish a complaint mechanism, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students。

Article 72The College shall establish a financial aid system for students from poor families and other students with special difficulties according to law。Support students to use extracurricular time to participate in work-study activities, and guide and manage。

Article 73The student association organization is the main student organization under the leadership of the Party and the bridge and link between the college and the students. Under the leadership of the College Party Committee, the Youth League Committee and the guidance of the local student federation organization, the work is carried out in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the college and the constitution of the organization。

Article 74欧洲杯投注官网app支持学生根据专业特点成立学生社团组织,在法律法规和欧洲杯投注官网app管理制度范围内开展活动,服从欧洲杯投注官网app的领导和管理。

Article 75According to the needs of the work, the College will set up other student organizations to participate in the democratic management of the college。

Chapter VIII Integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation

Article 76The College shall, according to its own characteristics and talent training needs, take the initiative to carry out cooperation activities with qualified governments, parks, industries, enterprises, etc., deepen the long-term mechanism of industry-education integration and school-enterprise cooperation, and enhance the ability of service industry enterprises and regional economic development。

Article 77School-enterprise cooperation的方式有:共同举办职业教育机构、组建职业教育集团(联盟)、建设产业欧洲杯投注官网app、开展中国特色学徒制和订单式人才培养等。

Article 78School-enterprise cooperation内容包括:人才培养、技术技能创新、就业创业、社会服务、文化传承等。In carrying out cooperation, both parties shall sign an agreement specifying the rights and obligations of both parties。

Article 79The College attaches importance to the play of the important role of industry enterprises in education, trains high-quality applied, composite and innovative talents who adapt to and lead the development of modern industries, and constantly improves the level of service development。

Chapter 9 College and Society

Article 80欧洲杯投注官网app积极利用自身优势和办学条件,通过多种方式服务社会,并积极争取各方面的支持和帮助。

Article 81The College has set up the School of Continuing Education (Training Center), actively carries out social training, carries out part-time academic education, serves the human resources development of enterprises, and serves the needs of the people to improve their academic qualifications and lifelong education。

Article 82欧洲杯投注官网app设立对外合作交流机构,负责对外交流事务,通过师资、学生、Academic exchange以及课程互通等多种形式,不断提高欧洲杯投注官网app国际化程度。

Article 83The college established the alumni Association of Anhui Vocational and Technical College。欧洲杯投注赔率校友会是欧洲杯投注官网app发起,具有独立法人资格的非营利性社会组织,依据国家有关规定及其章程开展活动。

Article 84Alumni include students, trainees, faculty and staff who have studied, studied, worked or worked part-time in the College and its predecessor, people from all walks of life who have been awarded various honors and titles by the College in accordance with laws and regulations, and people who are enthusiastic about the development of the College, have made greater contributions to the construction and development of the college, and voluntarily fulfill their alumni obligations。

Article 85欧洲杯投注官网app充分发挥校友会作用,团结和联络国内外校友,开展教育、科研、学术文化交流活动,共同促进欧洲杯投注官网app的繁荣与发展。

Article 86The College may set up a board of directors according to law and regulations according to development needs。The Council is a consultation, consultation, deliberation and supervision body under the leadership of the organizer of the college. It is composed of people from all walks of life who care about and support the development of the college, such as alumni, government departments, academic elites, industry enterprises, social talents, college administrators and representatives of teachers and students。The members of the Council of the College and the persons responsible for them are elected in accordance with their statutes, perform their duties, and participate in the construction and management of the College。The Council conducts its activities in accordance with laws and regulations and its own statutes。

Chapter X Sources of funds, financial and property systems

Article 87欧洲杯投注官网app经费来源(收入)主要包括财政补助收入、事业收入、经营收入、上级补助收入、附属单位上缴收入和其他收入。The school actively expands funding sources and raises funds through multiple channels in accordance with laws and regulations。

Article 88The college implements a financial management system featuring unified leadership, hierarchical management, centralized financial resources and decentralized financial authority。The College manages financial work in strict accordance with national financial laws and regulations, establishes and improves the financial management system, economic responsibility system and internal audit system according to law, uses funds scientifically and rationally, and improves the efficiency of educational funds。

The college sets up a separate first-level financial institution to manage the financial work of the college in a unified way。The College gradually implements the two-level financial management system of the college and the second-level teaching unit, and discloses financial information according to law and regulations。

Article 89The college implements budget management in finance。According to the school's career development goals, plans and financial possibilities, scientific allocation of resources, reasonable budget preparation, establishment of budget management and performance evaluation system including basic expenditure budget and project expenditure budget, effective supervision of the budget implementation process, according to the law to conduct financial accounts。

Article 90The School establishes and improves the internal control system and audit supervision system, standardizes the economic behavior of the school and various departments (units) within the school, strictly manages state-owned assets, constructs an effective financial monitoring system, improves the efficiency of asset use, prevents various economic risks, and ensures the safety of fund operation。

Article 91The college insists on running the school diligently and frugally to improve the efficiency of the use of funds。

Article 92欧洲杯投注官网app资产指欧洲杯投注官网app依法直接支配的各类经济资源,包括流动资产、固定资产、在建工程、无形资产和对外投资等。The sources of state-owned assets of the college include: assets formed by using financial funds;Assets formed by transfer, transfer or replacement;Receiving donations and recognizing them as state-owned assets;Other state-owned assets。

Article 93欧洲杯投注官网app实行统一领导、归口管理、分级负责、责任到人的资产管理体制,建立健全资产采购、配置、使用和处置等管理制度。

Article 94欧洲杯投注官网app建立健全资产管理制度,加强对资产的管理,维护资产的安全和完整,防止国有资产流失,推动资产合理配置和节约、有效使用。

Article 95欧洲杯投注官网app依法管理、保护、合理使用专利权、商标权、著作权、土地使用权、非专利技术、校名校誉等无形资产。

Article 96Adhering to the purpose of serving teachers and students wholeheartedly, the College has set up administrative departments such as logistics, infrastructure and security, and service guarantee organizations such as life service and medical care to ensure the smooth development of teaching, scientific research and social services。

Article 97欧洲杯投注官网app不断完善基础设施、信息技术设施以及自然和人文设施建设,积极打造数字化校园、生态校园和人文校园。

Chapter 11 School Emblem, School motto and School Celebration Day

Article 98The font of the school's Chinese name is in regular style。

Article 99The College coat of arms includes emblems and badges。The College logo consists of capital lettersA组成外形为形象,构成为书本托起齿轮、尖塔的图形,采用象征理性、科技的蓝色为背景色。A badge worn by staff and students bearing the logo and the name of the school。The graph is as follows:

Article 100The school motto: unity, hard work, rigorous, realistic欧洲杯投注官网app的校风:厚德、至善、强能、健美;教风:敬业、爱生、博学、善教;学风:勤奋、善思、求真、乐学。

Article 101The College celebrates its anniversary every year108日。

Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions

Article 102The drafting and amendment of the articles of association shall be subject to the following review and examination procedures:


(2) The drafting and revision of the charter shall be submitted to the faculty congress for discussion;

(3) The main issues and different opinions on the drafting and revision of the articles of association shall be submitted to the President's office for consideration;

(4) The drafting or amendment of the articles of association shall be reviewed by the president's officeAfter adoption, it shall be approved by the Party Committee of the college, signed by the legal representative, and reported to the Department of Education of Anhui ProvinceApprove and record。

The articles of association shall be in any of the following circumstances修订:

(1) Changes in educational policies or laws and regulations on which the charter is based;

(2) Changes in the organizer and management system of the college;

(3) Changes in the philosophy and objectives of the school;

(4) Merger, division, name change, etc.;

(5) Other circumstances under which the articles of Association should be amended。

Article 103The College shall be divided, merged or discontinued under any of the following circumstances:

(1) division, merger or termination proposed by the organizer and approved by the examination and approval authority;

(2) the business is revoked or suspended according to law;

(3) The College cannot continue to operate due to an irresistible accident。

When the college is divided, merged or suspended, the liquidation group shall liquidate the College in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the State。清算结束后,制作清算报告,报有关主管机关确认,并报送欧洲杯投注官网app登记机关,申请注销欧洲杯投注官网app登记,公告欧洲杯投注官网app终止。

hundredthThe articles of association are the basic norms of the college's organizational procedures and working rules, and are binding on all staff of the unit。The College shall formulate and improve relevant rules and regulations in accordance with the Articles of Association, and implement management in accordance with the Articles of Association。The rules and regulations of the College made after the commencement of this Constitution shall not conflict with this Constitution。


hundredthconstitutionallyRight of interpretationCollege party committee。

hundredthThese articles of association shall come into force on the date of promulgation upon approval。


Constitution of Anhui Vocational and Technical College (approved draft for 2023).pdf

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